I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth. I guess it’s probably
something to do with my formative years coinciding with the end of sweet
rationing. Most food was pretty bland in the fifties (though we didn’t know it)
and when Pat Boone sang about “Tortillas and chilli peppers” in the hit song
“Speedy Gonzalez”, a few years later, I thought he was singing in a foreign
language, which I suppose he was really.
Roger finds the Whittacker's Peasnut Slabs irresistable |
I mention this because although much of the chocolate one
buys in New Zealand is different to that in the UK (evidently Cadbury’s, who
have a factory on the South Island, use buttermilk rather than cream as it
doesn’t melt so quickly), but there is one confectionery that both of us cannot
get enough of. We are both fans of Whittacker’s Peanut Crunch and our daily
sojourns to the Countdown Supermarket always end with the purchase of one to
eat on the walk back home, plus a bag of mini bites in the store cupboard in
the kitchen.
The ground floor is at last beginning to look like a studio
flat. We have a settee and a nice reclining armchair to match – our TV was
delivered a couple of days ago, and James, our son-in-law, redesigned the room
after the furniture arrived, moving stuff around, and I must say it has given
us a lot more space. Naturally, the grand kids want to come and play with the
recliners, and although Livi understands they could easily break, I am not
expecting miracles, so we will have to see.
Livi tries on Erica shoes as she watches "The Jungle Book". Pat, meanwhile recovers from pulling a muscle in her back. The room is slowly taking shape. Another very hot afternoon. |
The weather has been amazingly sunny and hot over the last
week or so which is not that typical of Wellington. I don’t know how long it’s
going to last, but we have taken advantage of it, and the long evenings. I have
been out in garden, cutting and slashing at the undergrowth. Pat has been concentrating
of the area around the large patio outside our French windows. We can now see,
and easily reach the play-tree-house, and my next project is to lick it into
shape, over the next few weeks.
After a week of slashing back the undergrowth, we reveal the play house, my next project, currently taped off as steps are rotten. Livi wants it painted blue. |
Last weekend was a public holiday in New Zealand. Waitangi Day
remembers the date of the treaty between the Maori and the British in
establishing the modern-day New Zealand. The weather was great and we spent
Monday morning on the beach at Scorching Bay, a 20-minute drive away, around
the bay. The previous night James and myself had made the short walk to “One
Fat Bird”, just around the corner from us, which describes itself as a `British-style
pub with a Kiwi twist`. It’s really nothing like a British pub, but they sell
some very interesting beers, many brewed in the local area.
Our "Garage Project" tasting tray at "One Fat Bird" |
Last Sunday a local brewery called “Garage Project” took
over nine of the taps for a day, and we did our best to try them all, though
the one with a chilli kick, was difficult to finish on our sampling tray. I
have moaned long and hard, in previous blogs, about the cost of beer over here,
and it was no different on Sunday night, with most of the beers weighing in at
over 5% and, my favourite, `Garagista` came in at £5.50 for what is a little
less than a pint. You certainly need deep pockets to drink around here.
James kicks off the tasting |
The 15 taps at "One Fat Bird" (For my beer drinking mates) |
Our days and weeks are beginning to get some structure to
them, which is good for Erica and James, who have busy working lives, and for
Livi and Ben, who are not used to us being around. Livi has been quite cool
with me, but I knew she would take some time to come around. Over the last week
or so, she has mellowed, but I have to tread carefully with her. Mum has taken
over the shopping and the washing, and I have mainly cooked. It seems to be
working pretty well, and the idea of turning on a tap and hot water coming out
instantly, and not having to think when I need to empty our loos, hasn’t worn
off yet. It’s quite a big house, and we are not used to having this much space.
We entertain our first guests this weekend, when Sue and
Geoff are coming through the city. I worked with Sue at John Lewis, and her and
husband Geoff, often came on our overseas trips. We are really looking forward
to seeing them again.